Effective Immediately:

Wednesday hours are 10:00am – 7:00pm the FIRST and THIRD Wednesday only.

All other Wednesdays (Second, Fourth, and Fifth) we will be open 8:00am – 5:00pm.

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Make Eye Injury Prevention A Priority

Every time we open our eyes we are reminded of the remarkable gift of sight! Whether you’re watching the sunset or seeing your child take their first steps, your eyes allow you to see some pretty amazing things.

Sadly, each year about one million eye injuries occur in the United States–90 percent of which could have been prevented if protective eyewear had been worn. So, when it comes to avoiding eye injury, remember the two p’s: protection and prevention!

Most Eye Injuries Occur At Home

Did you know that nearly 50 percent of eye injuries occur in the home? Common household objects can be dangerous to our eyes if proper precautions are not taken to protect our vision.

Believe it or not, accidental falls are the leading cause of eye injury. Slipping on slick surfaces or accidents on stairs are the most common reasons for falls. While individuals 60 and older have a higher risk of falling, precautions should be taken in every home to prevent tripping and slipping.

Workshops and yard debris also pose a threat. Power tools, lawn mowers, and weed whackers can all cause damage to your sight if appropriate protection is not in place. When operating tools, be sure to follow all recommended safety procedures for each specific tool. Wear goggles to shield your eyes from dust, debris, fumes, etc. If you work on the yard, clear rocks and debris before mowing or weed whacking.

Always wear eyewear when dealing with household chemicals. Pesticides, bleach, ammonia, and other cleaning agents should all be handled while wearing goggles. Make sure the nozzle is pointed in the right direction before spraying.

Be sure to give your children age-appropriate toys. Avoid toys with sharp points, protruding edges or projectile parts, such as darts, BB guns, slingshots and the like. When handled improperly, toys have been known to cause serious eye injury and even blindness.

Protect Yourself From Eye Injuries Outside The Home As Well

Don’t forget that there are many injuries taking place outside of the home these days, especially in the workplace. Industry workers are at a higher risk of eye injury due to the materials and machines they work with. In fact, over 100,000 workers each year are disabled due to eye injury and subsequent vision loss. Workers should always wear protective eyewear in industrial-related positions.

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Sports accidents also lead to many eye injuries. While it may not be the most fashionable thing to wear on the basketball court or the soccer field, studies show that 90 percent of sport-related eye injuries could be prevented by the use of protective eyewear.

Love Your Sight, Protect Your Eyes

Many eye injuries unfortunately lead to lost or impaired vision. Knowing the risk of certain activities can help you know how to best protect yourself and your eyes. Cherish the gift of sight and wear protective eyewear!

As always, thank you for being our valued patient and friend!

Top image by Flickr user WorldSkills UK used under Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 4.0 license. Image cropped and modified from original.
The content on this blog is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of qualified health providers with questions you may have regarding medical conditions.